Fishing With Two or More Flies
by Captain Jim Barr on 03/23/17
with two flies simultaneously is a very effective technique for
"upping" your catch rate. It only stands to reason if you increase the
number of flies you are presenting to fish, that you therefore increase
the odds that a fish will see and eat your fly pattern. The trouble
comes into play when the second fly tangles on the leader during your
casting creating a mess. Generally there are three methods to attach two
(or more) flies to a leader: attaching the dropper fly (tied onto a
section of tippet) to the bend of the hook of the point fly, secondly,
attaching the dropper fly to a piece of tippet material tied to the eye
of the hook of the point fly, and thirdly tying the dropper fly to the
tag end of leader ahead of the point fly. Sounds confusing, right?